Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Livivng in Canada

I'll tell you one thing, and i'll tell you one thing for free: The american dream is a crock of shit. There is no oppertunity there, check this out:

You can get pretty much anything you need to know about this article from the title. Yep, that's 927 houses for 7.5 million. thats about 8 grand a house. Where else can you get a house for 8 grand? Probably Baghdad.

I was born in England. I grew up drinking tea and reading the Telegraph, spitting at peasents and tut-tutting at every possible occasion. I love England. I pride myself on the fact that i talk like a BBC newsreader. I'm as English as you can be. But i don't live there. Lord no.

I live in Canada.

My girlfriend, bless her cotton socks, persuaded me to abandon my original plans of running off to Japan after university to live in the land of the rising sun and the used panty vending machine to move to Canada. She wanted to go to New Zealand, so i'm thankful we reached a compromise

"What can you see out the window this morning?"


Yeah, New Zealand ain't for me. Calgary on  the other hand, is the pormised land.

No, seriously.

In one year, we earned enough to go on a crazy-shit-cockeyed-beat generation roadtrip across America for 5 weeks, we moved into a house worth more money than i've ever owned in my entire life so far, we drove around in a truck the size of a jumbo jet, we helped start up a business which will see us all lying on a beach retired and gently turning into strips of man-bacon before i hit thirty, i made a documentary, met several world famous people and had them engage my services as a new media genius, and met some of the best friends you could hope to have.

England meanwhile is in the grips of the worst financial crisis in living history, and America is selling off houses for less than the price of a family car (which they're giving away 2 for 1 i might add)

Yeah, Canada's cold in the winter. Yeah, i live in a suburb where all the houses are the same. Yeah, the people occasionally say "eh" and "aboot"

Yeah, sucks to be me i guess.

You know what the best part is? The very best thing?

I can help you do the same.


Drop me a line.

That's my story. Tell me yours.

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